Saddle Fitting Service
A well-fitting saddle benefits both horse and rider by providing maximum comfort and reducing the risk of long-term injury or strain. Elite Saddle Fit is pleased to offer a truly independent bespoke saddle fitting service. We have no direct affiliation with any particular saddle brand which gives us the ability to offer best solutions for horse and rider.
A well-fitting saddle benefits both horse and rider by providing maximum comfort and reducing the risk of long-term injury or strain. Elite Saddle Fit is pleased to offer a truly independent bespoke saddle fitting service. We have no direct affiliation with any particular saddle brand which gives us the ability to offer best solutions for horse and rider.
What Does A Saddle Fit Include?
During a saddle fit, we carry out a number of assessments. We use these to help identify any concerns we should have in relation to the saddle and how it fits your horse.

Historical knowledge of you and your horse is essential in being able to understand yours and your horses current training and health regime

Measurements of the horse are taken, and templates are created to monitor any changes in your horse’s shape.

Saddle On Horse
We assess the fit of your saddle on the horse with no pad then girthed up with no pad.

Flocking & Adjustments
Most of our services are carried out on site with no delay in the fit of your saddle as we do not need to take it away.

Rider Assessment
If applicable, we shall also take measurements of the rider and assess the fit for them. Most of this will occur in the ridden assessment stage.

Ridden Assessment
We assess your fit and the horses movement under saddle we shall endeavor to do this in a selection of saddles to give both you and your horse a comparison.
Measurements of both the horse, rider and pre-existing saddle are taken, and templates are created to monitor any changes in your horse’s shape.
Width Adjustment
All British Standard trees are all made the same width, then adjusted at the point of manufacture, we can further adjust to suit your needs.
Flocking Rebalance
Flocking settles with time and use, if your flocking is not correct this can cause all sorts of problems including the wrong balance for the rider
What Does A Saddle Fit Include?
During a consultation, we carry out a number of assessments. We use these to help identify any concerns we should have in relation to the saddle and how it fits your horse.
Condition Scoring
This is monitored in a score out of 10, this monitors the shape of your horse and scores fat versus muscle condition.
These are used to monitor changes in your horses shape in particular under the saddle area.
Gait Assesment
Analyizing the movement of your horse can tell us a lot about the affect your horse will have on your saddle and you.
Palpation Techniques
We use palpation techniques to assess you horses muscle condition whilst looking for any discomfort associated with the saddle.
Proprioception Assessment
Using stretches we can analyze any tension or discomfort your horse may be having under the saddle area.
Postural Assessment
We take a look at your horses posture as it tells us a great deal about how they use their bodies
Ridden Assessment
Where possible we would endevour to see the rider in the saddle after any suitable and recommended adjustments have been made.
Appointment Fees
Fees are dependent on your proximity to us as well as the number of horses being fitted (at the same location). Fees are favourable for those booking multiple horses at the same barn.
Distance Based Surcharge
Any fitting more than 20 miles from our location will incur an additional charge to cover travel time and costs.
• For fittings located between 20 and 40 miles away, the additional charge is £10
• Fittings 41 to 60 miles away have a charge of £20
• Fittings 61 to 80 miles away have a charge of £30
• Fittings 81 to 100 miles away have a charge of £40
• Any fitting located further than 100 miles has a charge of 55p per mile, there and back
*Please note this image is for illustration purposes only and provides only a rough indication of our coverage zones. We will independently calculate the distance prior to your appointment.

FLocking & Adjustments
Width Adjustment
Width Adjustment
Flocking Rebalance
Total Reflock
Including a return visit to check upon completion an appointment fee will apply to follow up appointments
Tree health check
Includes dropping the panel and checking internal structures of the saddle
Replacement girth straps
Each depending upon length
Repairs To Leather Work
Please note that the prices above do not include the distance-based surcharge which may be applicable.