I have carried out many courses, certifications and qualifications in the years I have been sourcing information to help horses. Each certification has its own merits and specialities. I feel that with an equal study across many of these certificates, I now have a very well rounded understanding of the Horse, rider and saddle interaction.
I am always committed to equine welfare and I will always continue to seek the latest information and knowledge on all things, horse saddle and rider based. New research is always studied and I have been involved in the formulation of new research which I enjoyed immensely and look forwards to future projects.
My journey to be the best advocate for the horse I can be will always continue to grow as new courses and knowledge enters I will readily soak it up. Below are just some of the courses I have taken part in. Listed in no particular order.

Master Saddle fitting Consultant. This course is an intensive study of the horse anatomy and physiology. With education on equine biomechanics, gait analysis, posture reading and a high level of exercise physiology with an emphasis on muscle development.

City and guilds Qualified Saddle Fitter – hosted by the society of Master saddlers a prominent qualification in the UK which specializes in the education on saddle fit with a large emphasis on the saddle manufacture and design for the horse.

Equine Ergonomist – Saddle fit 4 Life this course was hosted in Germany. It is a course that covers saddle fit which is focused on the rider more than any of the other courses I attended.

Horse, Saddle and rider Interaction – Accredited by Lantra this course took an in-depth look into the three elements and how they affect one another.

Bit and Bridle fitter - Accredited by Lantra in the UK this course was an intensive week of long days studying the effects that bits and bridles and the way they fit can have effects on the horse. Although I do not offer pure bit and bridle consultations I can offer help in the area if needed.

Equine Nutrition - an online course led by the University of Oxford covering the digestive system and how the nutrition of the horse plays a vital role in the health and welfare of our horses.
Equine Gait analysis – a study at how horses move and gaining an in-depth view on looking for compensation patterns in the horse. This was aided by the involvement of Gait analysis monitors.
Applied learning theory – a course that I studied over a weekend backed by months of work with a couple of very difficult horses I was working with at the time. This course had a broad coverage of applied learning theory and how the brain responds to training.
Equine Body work – I have completed 2 levels of body work courses using a few modalities I do not carry this out professionally but it certainly helps me get a deep understanding of what your horses presents to me when I palpate.
Dissections – I have carried out 2 whole horse dissections of which both were utterly fascinating. I have also carried out a couple of dissections of the lowers limbs of the horse. Textbooks are good but actually seeing and feeling the muscles in the horses gives a much deeper understanding of how they impact horses movement.
There are many more subjects that I have covered in my years of helping horses. I do not hold completed certificates or qualifications in them but I am experienced and able to understand what can help and hinder the horse.
The future is exciting as I start along a new path of understanding the human body more. I am completing human biomechanics education courses which I hope will lead to a deep understanding of how our bodies affect the horse. I am already on the path of learning about the human pelvis and have a keen interest in Rider Biomechanics which I hope to delve into further.
I shall try to update this once a year with addition to my latest learnings, as it truly never stops for me.